Here I am and once again I am neglecting my stutodial duties (responsibilities relating to being a student; I make words up as I please) to write this blog. Inspired by the numerous friends who have started one of these this is my first post and will be my attempt to introduce myself as a kind and caring person with depth beyond measure: Hi. My name is Anthony. Done.
Ok, so that may have been lame so let me be more descriptive. My name is Anthony and I am sarcastic, mean and apathetic... sadly these are some of my more endearing qualities and this will become more apparent as we spend more time together. I can be a confusing person because I am a walking, breathing contradiction whose ideas and words corroborate one anther. Confused? The preceding statement doesn't make sense and I live my life assuming things never will but will enjoy it to it's fullest none the less. I enjoy being self-depreicating because it is my lame attempt at humility and a bad joke at the same time. I can laugh at my own expense and have the expectation that the people around me will allow me the same courtesy at theirs as well. I will laugh harder at my own jokes than anyone in the room and believe it is only fair because why should I not be able to enjoy my humor as much, if not more, than everyone else? I think I am hilarious and deserve my own TV show. I mentioned that I am humble, right?
Really I am not all that I say I am above but I am a mix of good and bad and will allow the more undesirable qualities to mask the others, but I am funny; that I will not allow to be dismissed by anyone. So let's get this straight. My name is Anthony and I am kind and mean, quiet and loud, confident and shy. In the right situation I am debonaire and well spoken and in others, maybe not so much. Like anyone else I have my beliefs and tend to disregard facts and ideas that are contradictory to them as a means to avoid the uncomfortable thought that I am wrong. I will apologize in advance for writing something offensive but if you are offended maybe I am making you think and it's nothing that actually warrants me to do so.
I wish I could speak French fluently, tumble and do back flips and solve issues relating to how people argue and view ideas that are not congruent with their own... is it really that upsetting that someone doesn't agree with you? I am an only son and brother and I am an uncle, cousin, nephew, grandson and have recently adopted the role of godfather (my favorite yet). I am conflicted with the responsibilities and expectations of myself to live and attain goals that are practical as opposed to maybe hitting the road and chasing the sun. Music isn't my life but it makes it better. I say, "fuck my life" almost everyday and "I want my life back," when my life isn't horrible and I've never lost it but wouldn't mind it reverting back to no bills or responsibilities. I despise that Katy Perry song about being a campfire or internal combustion engine or whatever. It talks about something that is explosive or flammable. I mean really? I hate things that are trite. It's just irritating. The list of things I dislike is pretty long so maybe I'll introduce them slowly as situations merit them to fruition.
I guess I can consider myself a hesitant writer and frustrated musician of sorts. I am not sure as to what direction this blog will take but maybe it will be a conglomerate of things I've written and will write. So this is my blog and I'm going with it. Live life. Enchante.
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