Monday, February 28, 2011

Do you want to do something you suck at? No.

What am I not doing right now? Studying. Oh well. I would rather be self-absorbed and write about something pertaining to me and add to my blog. Is it just me or do you have to be somewhat (or a lot) self-absorbed to have your own blog and assume that what you have to say is interesting or entertaining enough that people will waste their time reading it because you are wasting your time writing it? Just a thought. So there is another quality to add to my list of personal traits: self-absorbed.
As an accessory to this trait is my habit to not participate in activities that I am not reasonably good at. I am unsure as to why, but maybe it is my aversion to looking like an idiot (I still fail at this multiple times a day) or maybe the thought of failure is just unacceptable; the latter I do not think is true because I still choose to stay in business school as an accounting major and I suck. Anyways, this habit is one that I have identified on multiple occasions when people have asked me to bowl, play pool, basketball or even throw a football. None of these activities are fun to me. When I bowl apparently I think that you are suppose to leave as many pins standing as possible and that bowling in the gutter is not such a bad thing. Also I have this perception that bowling is somewhat white trash. I mean let's be completely honest and not pretend that we have not seen the copious amounts of men with mullets and cutoff muscle shirts accompanied by women with armband tattoos and are worse for wear and tear. I honestly feel as though I have walked into a meth-heads dream the moment I enter any bowling alley and gag on the smell of stale cigarette stench that is usually the companion of those who barely have a tooth left in their head. Ok, one more for the list: snob. The same perceptions apply to playing pool. I suck at it and it is white trash. I would like to insert a snide remark about these people also bathing in Miller Lite, however it is my one white trash tendency to drink Miller Lite and I will refrain from indicting myself or aligning them as my contemporaries.
I wish I had something funny to say about why I do not play basketball or football but I am at a loss. Maybe it is because the idea of being pushed and shoved or tackled is just not fun to me. Also, it is more an issue of whether or not you get caught doing something that is not allowed by a ref and everyone knows that they have a tendency to not make the right calls. It's like asking the retarded kid that works at McDonalds to leave off the pickles. It never happens. (Please don't send me emails about how not PC that is. I dont care).
Things I like to do: swim. That is about it. I get my own lane where no one can touch me and that's it. Although there is the occasion that when I work out the fat, old man wearing the speedo asks to split my lane. Uh no. Completely unacceptable. When they say "split," they mean they will swim down the middle appearing to drown and I will be tossed to and throw in the wake they somehow create without even moving through the water.
This post didn't really help me accomplish my goal of appearing to be kind and caring... looks like you are getting to know me quite well. Live life.

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